An auto insurance policy plays an important role after a car accident. It is designed to help you avoid paying for any accident damages out of pocket, whether you’re at-fault or not. When you suffer injuries, damaged property, and lost income from an accident caused by someone else, you could seek compensation from their auto insurance provider.
Each state has established auto insurance requirements for their drivers, which is also known as financial responsibility. If you’re looking to file a lawsuit in California, consider the help of a Riverside car accident attorney who can handle the claim and the at-fault party’s insurer.
An auto insurance policy can protect your finances from the fallout of a road accident, regardless of fault. Liability insurance compensates victims for damages like bodily injuries and loss of property from an accident that you or someone else under your cover caused.
This coverage is mandatory in California, and state laws dictate the minimum amount each driver should carry:
$30,000 for an injury or wrongful death to more than one person, such as a pedestrian or driver, in a crash you cause
$15,000 for an injury or wrongful death to one person in an accident where you’re at-fault
$5,000 for property damages in an accident you cause.
Liability insurance covers other victims of a car crash you cause, but it doesn’t cover any injuries or property damages you sustain from the same incident. Additionally, the above amounts are only minimums and drivers can purchase as much insurance as they need, especially when an accident causes severe damages that exceed your limits.
While most drivers will prefer to buy liability insurance, California also gives you other options like:
$35,000 surety bond from a California-certified issuer
$35,000 cash deposit with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in California, or
Self-insurance certificate from the DMV.
Comprehensive and collision coverage are the most popular optional auto insurance policies. While liability insurance compensates other victims for an accident that you caused, these two add ons cover your personal damages.
A collision insurance cover caters to your damages in a crash involving another person, property, or vehicle. Comprehensive insurance, on the other hand, covers damages from an accident caused by other factors like natural disasters, fires, bad weather, and so on.
The law requires each driver driving or parked on California’s roads to carry a certain amount of auto insurance. This comes in handy when you get into a car accident, especially if it’s a hit and run, the driver is uninsured, or underinsured. Unfortunately, even your own insurance company is a for-profit business and might try to reduce or deny your claim altogether.
Speak with a car accident attorney from Kohan & Bablove LLP after a wreck to determine and negotiate the full settlement on your behalf. Call their offices at 1-844-404-2400 or click on their website to get started with a free case review.
Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys is a Personal Injury Law Firm serving Riverside and Orange County, California. Our Injury and Accident Lawyers provide passionate, aggressive and client-focused legal services to individuals who have been injured; whether that be in the form of physical injury, emotional distress or work-related injury. Time may be limited to file a claim so visit so call today 844-404-2400.... View full business profile here: Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys