If you’ve been pulled over for speeding, you might already be worried about what could happen to your drivers license. What if you lose your license, for instance? That could leave you struggling to get transportation, making your life harder.
In turn, that may leave you wondering whether you can lose your license for speeding. If you’re concerned about your license, you might need to seek help to make sure your license isn’t taken from you for a speeding ticket conviction.
Driving Points for Speeding
After your traffic stop, you have the choice to accept a conviction, which will put driving points on your license. These points may not seem to affect you at first, but they do add up over time.
If you receive several traffic convictions within a one-year period, your license can be suspended, and the length of the suspension will depend on the number of points on your license. If your license has been suspended before, your suspension could even be extended.
Keeping Your License after a Speeding Ticket
If you accept a speeding ticket and you choose not to fight it, the penalties could be severe. You don’t want to lose your license, but it’s a possibility if you don’t defend yourself and try to get your traffic ticket dropped.
Fortunately, you do have the chance to seek help from a Chicago speeding ticket lawyer. They can guide you through the court process, starting with disputing your ticket and getting your court date.
From there, your lawyer may use the resources at their disposal to fight back, rather than accept a conviction for your case. That may include testing the radar machines, taking photos of the area where you got your ticket, and other important pieces of evidence.
They’ll also represent you in the courtroom. When it’s your word against the police officer’s word, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That makes it even more difficult to recover from your case. Fortunately, your attorney can guide you through your day in court and do everything possible to protect your license from a speeding ticket conviction.
Talk to a Chicago Speeding Ticket Lawyer
A speeding ticket can have a serious impact on your license. You might even face a license suspension, leaving you unable to drive for months after a conviction. That’s difficult on you and your family, especially if you rely on your car for work or school.
The lawyers at Chicago Trusted Attorneys™ may be able to help. We have the tools and resources you’ll need to fight back after you’re issued a speeding ticket. If you’re not sure how to fight back and avoid losing your license, connect with a speeding ticket attorney by calling 312-931-5411 or by visiting our website to learn more about our services.
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