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Common Types of Medical Malpractice in Kentucky

Common Types of Medical Malpractice in Kentucky

Cases of medical malpractice occur far more frequently than you might think, with some types of medical errors being made more often than others. 

When a medical professional, such as a doctor, obstetrician, surgeon, or nurse, for example, compromises the medical standard of care, the patient suffering from this negligence may then bring a claim against the liable party to recover compensation for all they have been through. 

With that in mind, we at Wilt & Klausing, PLLC, have gone into further detail about some of the most commonly seen types of medical malpractice so you can have a better idea of what constitutes a medical malpractice lawsuit in Kentucky. 


In order for a patient to have a medical malpractice lawsuit, the medical standard of care must have been breached. This essentially means that the negligent caregiver in question must have made a medical error that another medical professional of the same training, experience, and education would not have made. 

Misdiagnosis can be a prime example of medical malpractice. This one can be difficult to prove, however, in part due to the fact that there are so many different ailments a person can come down with. You’ll need to speak with your attorney and consult with healthcare experts to determine whether misdiagnosis in your case warrants the pursuit of a medical malpractice claim. 

Birth Injuries

At a time when you should be rejoicing in the birth of your new baby, things can turn dark when you discover that your baby suffered an injury during your labor or the baby’s delivery. Your birthing team may have made a mistake that cost you and your baby dearly, and they should be compelled to cover the costs when found negligent. 

Some of the most frequently seen birth injuries include brachial plexus palsy (Erb’s palsy), cerebral palsy, caput succedaneum, and cephalohematoma, to name a few. Not all will qualify for a medical malpractice claim, so speak to your lawyer for details.

Failure to Treat

If your healthcare provider didn’t take you seriously when you complained of a medical issue or if they didn’t treat a medical condition that they could have taken the time to treat and you have suffered tremendously due to this failure in healthcare, you may have grounds for a Kentucky medical negligence lawsuit. 

Surgical Errors

Surgical errors are still among the leading causes of medical malpractice lawsuits. Some of the most common types of surgical errors include leaving a surgical instrument in a body cavity, operating on the wrong patient or wrong part of the body, and performing unnecessary surgical procedures. 

Speak with a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Kentucky

If you have been a victim of any of the medical errors described above or another type of medical negligence and are interested in pursuing legal action against the liable party, reach out to a respected  Louisville medical malpractice lawyer at Wilt & Klausing, PLLC. You can schedule your free, no-obligation consultation by visiting our website or giving our office a call at 502-253-9110.

About the Author:

Wilt and Associates, LLC

The legal team at Wilt and Associates, LLC , leverages the background that our attorneys and their staff have in defending doctors and insurers to benefit plaintiffs in medical malpractice and personal injury lawsuits. Wilt and Associates, LLC , represents clients across Kentucky, as well as select personal injury clients in Ohio. We will fight to earn you the settlement you deserve.... View full business profile here: Wilt and Associates, LLC

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