There are different types of drivers no matter where you go. Some drivers are extra cautious, making sure to obey all traffic rules, others may believe that they have the right of way at all times, while most play the middle road of both being cautious drivers and obtaining the right of way. However, when all three forms of drivers are on the road, accidents can happen, and when an accident occurs, fault will need to be established so that those who sustained injuries due to the negligence of another can, rightfully, be compensated for said injuries. One way to establish fault is by determining who had the right of way at the time of an accident, and in some cases this can turn into a “he said – she said” match. Because of this, it is invaluable to seek legal advice and representation if you find yourself in this situation. If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident, contact an experienced California personal injury attorney so that they can help you strategize about the best possible outcomes for your case.
Who Has the Right of Way?
When you are in a car accident, who has the right of way can determine whether you will be compensated for injuries that you and your loved ones sustained. For this reason, it is important to know and understand the rules of the road. Intersections are one of the most common places that accidents occur because often times, people do not understand who has the right of way.
When driving, it is important to obey traffic lights as well as traffic signals. You should yield to all cars that are already at the intersection, and if you and another driver arrive at the intersection at the same time, you are to yield to the car to the right of you. When there are multiple-lane roads involved, any car that is in a one-lane road or a smaller road must yield to any car that is on a multi-land road. Also, when a road ends or yields into another road, the driver whose road is ending must yield to any drivers on the road whose lane is not ending. Lastly, when it pertains to highway exit ramps, drivers on the ramp must yield to cars that are on the highway. If you do not yield the right of way in these situations and you are involved in an auto accident, California will determine who is liable based on the percentage of fault each driver is liable, which could mean that you are not compensated for the injuries that you and your loved ones sustain. Always follow the rules of the road and understand who has the right of way to avoid any confusion in the event an accident occurs.
Need Legal Advice?
When you are in an auto accident, one of the first questions that you may be asked is “who is at fault?” It is important to know and understand who has the right of way as this can be a key in being compensated for your injuries. Seek legal advice and representation if you have found yourself in this circumstance. If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident, contact an experienced personal injury attorney at The Paris Firm to help you with your case today.
Article Tags, click any to see related articles:Being injured in a car accident or another catastrophe can have unforeseen consequences. Victims may face paying insurmountable medical expenses, decreased quality of life, be unable to work and pay for the necessities of life. Families may be left grieving over the loss of a loved one in addition to facing funeral expenses and other debts. No one should have to face these consequences alone.Personal injury attorney Eric D. Paris, founder of The Paris Firm has been fighting for the rights of injured people in California since 1994.The Paris Firm serves clients injured in accidents in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and Kern County. Being injured in a car accident... View full business profile here: The Paris Firm