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Do I Have to Report a Car Accident in Texas?

Do I Have to Report a Car Accident in Texas?

If you’ve never been in a car crash before, you might not know how to handle the situation. You could be unclear as to when you exchange insurance, whether you should call the police, if you are supposed to report the crash, or if you should call your insurance company right away. 

People won’t know what to do unless they are taught. Here is some information regarding what to do after a vehicle crash.

How to Report a Vehicle Crash in Texas

The first thing you should do after an accident is check to see that everyone is OK. If anyone has been injured, even slightly, call for help. A medical professional should examine accident victims to check for delayed or symptomless injuries. Some injuries aren’t noticed right away so getting checked out is advisable.

If there was significant property damage (more than $1,000) or personal injuries, you should call the police and report the accident. Texas law requires it. You want them to investigate the accident, find out what happened, and help anyone who needs it. 

If the police arrive on scene and write up a crash report, then you won’t have to report the vehicle accident because the police will. However, if police never arrive at the scene, you should report the crash. You can report it to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) as soon as possible, but definitely within ten days of the accident.

Have You Been Injured in an Accident?

If you were injured in the accident, you might not know the steps to take. Again, you’ll want to seek medical treatment immediately. After you’ve been treated, you might consider filing an insurance claim for the accident. If you didn’t cause the crash, you could submit your claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Why File a Claim for an Auto Wreck in Texas?

The at-fault party’s insurer could be required to pay for your accident-related expenses and for your physical and mental suffering. You don’t want your insurance rates to go up for an accident you didn’t even cause. Because Texas is a fault state, the person who caused the accident is required to pay for any resulting damages.

In this case, you’ll file a claim with the negligent person’s insurance company, and you could receive a settlement check to pay for this experience. An experienced attorney can handle many of these steps for you so that you can focus on recovery.

Talk to a Texas Car Crash Lawyer 

Reporting a car accident is fairly easy, but handling a car accident claim is not. Some claims can be complex, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth filing. You shouldn’t have to pay for a car wreck that you weren’t responsible for causing. You could be owed compensation and justice for what you’ve been through. 

Consider partnering with an Austin car accident lawyer at Crain Lewis Brogdon, LLP. Your attorney can walk you through the entire car accident claim process. The sooner you call, the less you will have to deal with on your own. Head over to our website for more information or dial 214-522-9404.

About the Author:

Crain Lewis Brogdon, LLP

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