If you own and operate a vehicle in Georgia, you should have car insurance. You may even have had car insurance for years but have never had to use it. If you’ve never dealt with an insurance company, you might not know what to expect. It’s not always a pleasant experience, especially when you’re dealing with an insurance company that’s not your own.
Not every insurance company mistreats auto wreck victims, but some of them do. You also should know that many insurance companies care about one thing above all else: profits. They don’t like paying out on car wreck claims, because they lose money every time they do.
Learn more about why insurance companies don’t always treat accident victims fairly or with respect by reading on.
Why Insurance Companies Aren’t on Your Side
Insurance adjusters aren’t evil—they just aren’t on your side. They may consider you, the innocent accident victim, to be a financial burden. Your injuries and damages are costing them money, and they don’t like it. It’s not that they hate you. It’s not that they don’t have any sympathy. It’s just that they don’t like losing money.
They will likely try to minimize your claim’s value in whatever way they can. If they can get out of paying on your claim completely, they will. If they can reduce the payout they must make to you, they will do that.
They have many tactics they may use to take advantage of auto wreck victims. For instance, they might offer you a fast settlement that doesn’t fully compensate you for all of your losses. They offer you a fast settlement because they hope you will take it before learning how much your claim is truly worth—usually much more than their initial settlement offer.
Another tactic they might use is to try to get you to admit partial responsibility for the accident. They do this because your claim’s value is reduced when you share some of the blame for causing the accident.
What You Can Do to Fight Back
When an auto insurance company is mistreating you or simply trying to manipulate the situation in an effort to hold out on paying you money that is rightfully yours, you have options. You can call a car accident lawyer for help dealing with the insurance company. Your attorney can help you seek the settlement you need. They can shield you from unfair insurance practices.
Contact a Car Wreck Lawyer in Georgia
Car wreck claims can be challenging to bring, but you aren’t alone. A Savannah car accident lawyer at our firm can be by your side, fighting for your rights and best interests. You need a settlement from the insurance company to pay for your damages, but you should be paid what’s fair.
The Nye Law Group will work to see that you aren’t mistreated by the insurance company. Visit our website to learn more about how a lawyer can help you. You can also call 912-200-5230 to get a free case assessment now.
As highly respected Charlotte car accident lawyers and Savannah car accident lawyers with offices in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, The Nye Law Group, PC has the experience and resources necessary to take on even the most complex personal injury cases. If you have suffered a personal injury in any type of accident, it is vital that you understand your legal rights and have an attorney who will fight to protect them. Do not hesitate to contact The Nye Law Group, PC today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.... View full business profile here:The Nye Law Group, PC