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Florida Motorcycle License Laws

Motorcycles come with an image of freedom, power, and an exposure to the world around you that a car simply can’t provide. Riding a motorcycle can be a freeing experience for many people, whether it’s the thrill of danger or the fresh ocean breeze on your face. 

But before you start your engine and take off on your new bike, you need to know about the laws put in place to keep you safe as a Florida motorcyclist. Making sure you’re following state motorcycle license laws can help you stay on the road legally, which can help if you’re involved in an accident, for example. Below, check out the steps you can take to protect your license. 

Florida Rider Training Programs

You may not be able to hop on your motorcycle as soon as you’ve got your license. You may also be asked to complete certain training before you take your motorcycle out for a spin. 

These Basic RiderCourse programs are meant to teach you the fundamentals of motorcycle riding and prepare you for safe riding. These programs aren’t just about classroom learning, either—these classes teach you how to ride in specific traffic scenarios. That way, you have a real-world understanding of safe, responsible motorcycle use. 

Age Limits for Motorcyclists 

To get your motorcycle license, you have to meet certain age requirements, just like a license for any other motor vehicle. To get your motorcycle endorsement on your license, you’ll need to complete the right training classes, then apply for your endorsement within a year of completing your training. 

To receive a motorcycle-only license, the rules are a little different. If you’re under eighteen, you’ll need to have had a regular license for at least a year without any traffic violations or criminal convictions. You must also pass the same license tests and training courses as other riders. The difference between the two will be your “Motorcycles Only” designation on your license. 

Florida Helmet Laws 

Florida law is more lax on helmets than many other states, but that doesn’t mean you can get away with skipping your helmet. 

Typically, you’re required to wear a helmet if you’re operating a motorcycle. But for those older than twenty-one with an insurance policy covering at least $10,000 in medical benefits, you can ride without a helmet. 

But you may want to fasten your helmet on regardless—if you’re hurt in a motorcycle accident, a missing helmet can damage your claim. That makes it more difficult for your Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer to get the compensation you’re due if you’re hurt. 

What Happens if I’m in a Florida Motorcycle Accident? 

You may have obeyed all the state laws to get your motorcycle license, but that doesn’t always prevent accidents. Even the safest motorcyclists can be struck by careless drivers. But you do have options after your injury. 

If you were struck and injured by a careless driver or other party, reach out for the lawyers at Anderson & Anderson. We have the tools you need to get compensated when you’re hurt in a motorcycle accident. To learn more about our services, call 813-251-0072 or check out our website for other contact options. 

About the Author:

Anderson and Anderson

At the law office of Anderson & Anderson, we have been representing accident victims in the Tampa Bay area for more than thirty years. We understand the struggles our clients face after being injured in an accident. We do everything in our power to get clients the compensation they need to move forward with their lives. We are experienced. We are local. We are dedicated to you.... View full business profile here: Anderson and Anderson

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