When you’re injured in an accident, you may have gotten a settlement offer from the insurance company shortly after filing a claim. It may even be worth more than you realized you could receive, which can be exciting. But are they really offering a fair settlement?
If you’re not sure whether you’re getting the maximum settlement offer you’re due, you have a chance to reach out to a lawyer. They can help you seek a fair settlement offer or take your claim to court.
Be Wary of Insurer’s Offers
The problem with relying on your insurance company for a fair settlement offer is that it’s not in the company’s best interests to give you that compensation. They’re a for-profit company, and losing those funds means less money that can go toward investors.
Because of this, you may need a Tampa personal injury lawyer to check their offer. Even if it sounds like a fair offer, it may be lower than what you’re due.
Know Your Claim’s Worth
Many injury victims accept low settlement offers because they don’t realize what their claim is really worth. The insurer may have left off major damages. For example, they may have lowballed the costs of getting your car repaired or replaced.
If you suspect the insurer is failing to compensate you fairly, you may need to look at all your damages, both economic and non-economic. Your insurance company may have failed to appropriately count some of these losses, so reach out if you believe you’re not getting a fair settlement.
Gather Evidence of Your Expenses
When you’re injured, you may find the insurance company isn’t accepting some of your losses. For example, they may have downplayed the distress and trauma of your injuries. Let’s say they saw you outside on a walk because you were having a good day. They may offer you a lower settlement because they think that means you’re better than you seem.
In these cases, you may need to gather proof showing how severe your injuries are. Your lawyer can help you review the facts of your claim, talk with your doctor, and use evidence from your daily life to prove you need more than they’re offering.
Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer about Your Settlement
When you’re hurt in a serious accident, you need compensation for all your losses, not just what the at-fault party is willing to offer. The good news is, you don’t have to settle for what they offer. Instead of settling, you can write a demand letter or take your claim to court with a lawyer from Anderson & Anderson.
We understand how difficult it can be to prepare for a lawsuit or just to be sure that the insurance company is ready to cover the costs of your losses. Because your claim can be so complicated, you can start with a free consultation and ask your lawyer about your claim before you begin. Give us a call at 813-251-0072 or visit us online to learn more.
At the law office of Anderson & Anderson, we have been representing accident victims in the Tampa Bay area for more than thirty years. We understand the struggles our clients face after being injured in an accident. We do everything in our power to get clients the compensation they need to move forward with their lives. We are experienced. We are local. We are dedicated to you.... View full business profile here:Anderson and Anderson