When you and your spouse or partner have chosen to part ways, whether that be through a separation or a divorce, there can be certain areas that you simply can’t agree on. You can continue trying to resolve your issues on your own, to no avail, or you can choose to go through mediation, which oftentimes can do wonders for your family.
Perhaps you’re unable to agree on who gets the house when you divorce, or maybe you’re having trouble coming to a parenting plan that works for you and your children. In any case, mediation can be a great tool to make this difficult time in your lives a little bit easier. Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect if you choose to move forward with family mediation.
Mediation meetings are designed to help families resolve issues that they are unable to work through on their own. As previously discussed, you may need assistance in coming to an agreement regarding your children’s custody or visitation plan; the division of your property, assets, and debts; and/or issues involving child or spousal support.
In mediation, your mediator will listen to both parties’ wishes and concerns and then make suggestions accordingly. If your issues surround your shared children, the mediator will always ensure that the children’s best interests are taken into consideration prior to suggesting a resolution to the situation.
Mediation can be just one meeting or a number of meetings, depending on how many issues need to be addressed and how long it takes to resolve them. Either party can request a mediation meeting.
The mediator will then reach out to the other party to determine if they are willing to proceed with mediation. If they choose to move forward, you will both meet with your mediator to begin going over your issues in detail. You’ll both explain your side of the story, your concerns, and why you are otherwise unable to come to an agreement.
The mediator will work with you to see if you can meet in the middle to resolve your issues in any way. If you are able to work out these points of contention in mediation, you will be able to move forward with a hearing, where the Judge will review your agreement, making sure that any resolution involving your children is in their best interest, and then sign off on the order.
If you are unable to come to an arrangement, your case will proceed to family court, where the judge will then make a decision on these issues that is both fair and reasonable to both sides. Though the majority of mediation meetings do not allow for an attorney to be present, retaining one can help you understand your rights and responsibilities so that you aren’t taken advantage of.
Make sure that you’re well-prepared before you go into family mediation. Work with a dedicated PA family law attorney at Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C. to ensure that, when all is said and done, your family is able to move forward. You can schedule your initial consultation today by giving our office a call at 1-844-VARI-LAW (827-4529) or by visiting our website.
Facing divorce or another family law issue is tough. At the Pennsylvania family law offices of Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C., our practice is dedicated solely to assisting clients with the needs of today's modern families. Our Pittsburgh family lawyers are devoted to helping our clients avoid prolonged conflict to arrive at solutions that are in the best interests of their families and themselves.Divorce and AnnulmentAlimony Child CustodyChild SupportFathers RightsMothers Rights... View full business profile here: Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C.