If you’ve been injured in a car accident, one of your first thoughts may be on what your insurance company will cover. You pay into your insurance policy not just because you have to but because that insurance policy should help you recover from your injuries if you’re hurt in an accident.
However, the insurance company might not be so easy to deal with. That’s why it’s important to know what to expect from the insurance company before you file anything or accept any offers they make. The company may leave you in a tough position, without the compensation you need, if you’re not careful with your claim.
Insurers Aren’t on Your Side
It’s unfortunate, but the insurance company doesn’t typically have your best interests in mind. These companies are for-profit businesses, which means their goal is to make as much money as possible. Paying out for your medical bills, property damage, and other costs following a car accident isn’t their priority, especially if you filed a third-party claim with the other driver’s insurance company.
Worse, they may fight back just to protect their funds. That means they may try to claim you were partly at fault for the accident, or they may say they can only offer a low amount that doesn’t cover all your needs. Worse, they may even ignore you, making you desperate and willing to accept whatever they eventually offer.
Even if the insurance company seems willing to work with you on your claim, be sure to talk to your attorney before you accept their settlement offer. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to accept a low settlement offer that doesn’t meet your needs.
The Settlement Process
When you’re hurt in a car accident, the settlement process starts by notifying the insurance company that you were injured. They should then have an insurance adjuster review the accident, ensuring that the accident did happen and that you weren’t at fault.
From there, they’ll review your injuries. They may interview you and your doctor, and they may review the exam results for your injuries. From there, they’ll calculate your claim.
If you’re approved for a settlement, they’ll make an offer for what they’re willing to pay for your injuries. If you’ve been denied a settlement, you can still take your claim to court with assistance from a car accident attorney.
Talk to Your Car Accident Lawyer about a Settlement
The truth is, settling with an insurance company after a car accident can be complex. You’re dealing with a big business, and that business isn’t always so willing to cooperate with you on your claim. That’s why you may need a South Carolina car accident lawyer on your side.
Dealing with insurers is tough even if you do have experience dealing with them. If you don’t, it can feel nearly impossible, which is why you may need an attorney from HawkLaw, PA. Our lawyers can help you recover compensation for your injuries, starting with a free consultation* about your claim. To get help with your claim, call 1-888-HAWK-LAW (429-5529) or visit our site for more information.
At the Hawkins Law Firm, our job is to recover compensation for the pain and suffering you have endured. Regardless of the circumstances that lead you to our firm, we are here to help and will do whatever we can to win your case.... View full business profile here:Hawk Law