Finding out that your injury or illness was caused by the reckless or irresponsible conduct of your healthcare provider can be devastating. After all, these are the people you trusted to help get you healthy. The last thing you expect is for their negligence to cause you further harm.
When this happens in Kentucky, you’ll need to follow KY’s medical malpractice laws if you hope to win a civil lawsuit against the liable party. Below, we go into further detail about some of the medical malpractice laws in Kentucky that could have an impact on your medical malpractice claim.
Statute of Limitations For Kentucky Medical Malpractice Claims
The statute of limitations in Kentucky medical malpractice lawsuits refers to the amount of time you’ll have to get your claim filed within the civil court system. For Kentucky medical malpractice claims, this means that you will have a maximum of one year from that date that you learned or should have learned of your injury or illness.
Making sure that your claim is filed before the statute of limitations expires is essential if you hope to win your case. This is because any claims that are filed after the statute of limitations has expired will likely be dismissed when the defense files a motion to dismiss your case on the grounds that the statute of limitations has run out.
If you are concerned about whether the statute of limitations has expired in your case, or if you are unsure of how much longer you’ll have to file your claim, you can contact an attorney at Wilt and Thompson, PLLC, to get started on your case.
How to Prove Breach of Care in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Arguably the most important part of any medical malpractice lawsuit is the ability to prove that there has been a breach in the medical standard of care. In fact, this is the only way that you can win your medical malpractice lawsuit.
In order to accomplish this goal, we will need to be able to show that the mistake or error made by your healthcare professional would not have been made by another healthcare provider of similar education, training, and experience. An example of this could be a surgeon who fails to remove a surgical instrument from a body cavity, or a nurse who administers the wrong medication to a patient.
Your lawyer will need to gather medical records, expert testimony, witness statements, and other documentation in order to show the courts that the accused party not only had an obligation to provide you with a high level of care, but that this standard was breached in your case.
Reach Out to a Kentucky Medical Malpractice Lawyer
If you’ve been seriously injured or become ill after your healthcare provider made a mistake you may be entitled to financial compensation. A Louisville medical malpractice attorney at Wilt and Thompson, PLLC could help you through this difficult process. Call our office at 502-253-9110 or complete the quick contact form you can find on our website.
The legal team at Wilt and Associates, LLC , leverages the background that our attorneys and their staff have in defending doctors and insurers to benefit plaintiffs in medical malpractice and personal injury lawsuits. Wilt and Associates, LLC , represents clients across Kentucky, as well as select personal injury clients in Ohio. We will fight to earn you the settlement you deserve.... View full business profile here:Wilt and Associates, LLC