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More California Drivers are Taking Advantage of the Traffic Amnesty Program

In a recent report it is noted than more California drivers are attempting to clear their licenses. In October of 2015 the California Courts enacted the program to allow drivers with fees/fines and payments due to settle said fines for a fraction of the original cost. Currently there are close to 5 million eligible accounts totaling a estimated $4 billion in fines.

To date the program has only brought in about 19 million of which 6.5 million is spent in the operating cost of the program yielding about 12.5 million recovered. The program states it is aimed to help drivers recover their licenses and save them money doing it. A valuable benefit is to the state, while not provide huge revenue, it did return on the investment and allow many the chances to clear their licenses. For more information view the original press release here.

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Just Document Preparation

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