Motorcycles are a fast and efficient means of travel in the busy state of Colorado. As of 2019, a total of 185,875 motorcycles are registered in-state, and the number continues to grow year upon year. Without a solid knowledge of the laws and legislations governing motorcycles, however, you’re vulnerable to the risk of injury or even fatality on the roads. It pays to be aware of state laws as a motorcycle owner, given they differ depending on your location, so here’s a primer on what you need to know in Colorado.
What Laws Concern Motorcycles in Colorado?
Acquiring a motorcycle license is a necessity. To do so, you’re required to pass both a written exam and a practical test to prove you’re capable of handling the vehicle correctly and understanding road traffic laws. Colorado only requires those under the age of 18 to wear a motorcycle helmet, though it’s advisable you do regardless in the event an accident occurs. It is, however, discretionary.
Colorado laws make lane splitting illegal for motorcyclists if it means sharing the lane with another car, truck, or passenger vehicle. It’s legal for two motorcyclists to ride side-by-side, however. Motorcyclists must be aware of this law and remain attentive while on the road to prevent potential accidents caused by their own negligence.
Colorado State Law also requires motorcyclists to wear eye protection while riding. These prevent dust or dirt from disturbing your vision and potentially causing an accident, and riding without them is a breach of the law and thus punishable.
What Should I Do Following a Motorcycle Accident?
The same standards of negligence that apply to all vehicle users apply to motorcyclists. If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident and were neglecting or ignoring road safety laws at the time, you risk yourself being deemed negligent in your actions. Naturally, this is an undesirable outcome, so understanding and following state laws is integral to keeping you and other road users safe.
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault, seeking legal advice would be the best course of action to pursue a compensation claim and mitigate losses suffered. Your lawyer is able to assist in establishing whether the other involved party acted negligently, which laws were broken, and calculating the value of the injuries you’ve suffered as a result.
Finding the Right Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for You
Following a motorcycle accident, you should seek medical attention to assess any injuries you have sustained and ensure your life isn’t in jeopardy. With that taken care of, it’s worth considering seeking legal representation to pursue compensation for the harm that’s been done to you.
When you’re ready to take action for the suffering someone else caused you, a Denver motorcycle accident lawyer could offer you the assistance you need. You can reach Justice for Colorado via the contact form on their website, or you can call 303-647-9691 to schedule your free consultation.
The attorneys at Justice for Colorado are known for aggressively representing their clients and getting results. We will meet your legal needs by giving your case the time and focus it deserves. Whether you’ve been injured or issued a traffic ticket, you need an experienced, open-minded attorney who won’t quit. Call us today.... View full business profile here:Justice For Colorado