If you enjoy the experience of being pregnant and giving birth and want to provide a family with the selfless gift of life, learning how to become a surrogate may be a great option. Surrogacy benefits all parties involved and can be an unforgettable experience. To become a surrogate, you must fully commit yourself to the process and meet certain requirements to qualify.
At Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc., we perform an in-depth screening of all our potential surrogate mothers to ensure they are physically and emotionally prepared to carry another family’s child. If you pass our screening process, we can then match you with the right parents.
There are some initial requirements for surrogacy that will let you know whether you qualify before getting too deeply into the process.
You must be a nonsmoker, avoid illegal or dangerous drugs, have a healthy body mass index, go through extensive mental health evaluations, be of childbearing age, already have carried at least one baby to full-term with no complications, and be free of any sexually transmitted infections.
Aside from these initial requirements, the surrogacy professional assigned to your case will mention any other criteria required to proceed.
When becoming a surrogate mother, you must prepare by educating yourself. Surrogacy takes a physical and emotional toll on your life. You must carry a child for nine months and allow another parent to be involved. It can be hard to feel as if you are not fully in control of your pregnancy because the child is not your own.
When the pregnancy is over and you have put in all the physical work to grow the baby, you must give the baby up. Pregnancy bonds you to the child in your womb, so it can be emotionally difficult to hand away the baby, even if the baby is not biologically yours.
It is essential that you feel prepared to take on the burden of surrogacy before committing to the journey. You are giving a family a precious gift, and if you cannot deliver that gift, then you should not become a surrogate.
Deciding between gestational and traditional surrogacy is a big decision. In gestational surrogacy, you will carry someone else’s biological child, but in traditional surrogacy, you will use your own egg and a sperm donor to create a child and then give this child away to a family in need. Traditional surrogacy can be more difficult for some surrogate mothers because they know the child is biologically theirs.
No matter which type of surrogacy you choose, you must go in knowing that the baby will not legally be yours; however, the intended parents of the child will forever cherish the gift you are giving them.
Becoming a surrogate is a life-altering decision, and every woman should take ample time to decide what is best for her. At Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc., we work with potential surrogate mothers daily, and we can discuss your concerns in a free consultation. To speak with our team, call 412-884-2229 or visit our website for more information.
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