The elderly are one of the most vulnerable groups in the U.S. population, aside from children. Many people prey on the elderly because they’re easy targets. Abusers can physically, sexually, and financially take advantage of the elderly. If you have an elderly family member whom you love and care about, it’s essential to keep a close eye on them and protect them from predators.
If you believe your elderly loved one has been abused, you can take legal action and hold their abuser accountable. By pressing civil charges against the abuser or the organization where the abuse took place, you can seek justice on behalf of your loved one and win them a settlement. A San Diego elder abuse lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC will support you through the claims process.
Financial Abuse
The elderly are often financially abused because as people get older, they can’t keep track of their money as easily. Predators may financially abuse elderly men and women by stealing from them when they aren’t paying attention or by convincing them that they deserve the money. Abusers may also try to make the elderly individual feel sorry for them so they can receive payment.
Sexual Abuse
Elderly individuals may also be sexually abused in nursing homes or when receiving in-home care. If an elderly patient can’t physically defend themselves or say no to sexual advances, then a caregiver may inappropriately touch a patient, which can lead to severe emotional distress.
As the guardian of your elderly family member, it’s important to identify signs of sexual abuse and take action when you believe abuse is occurring.
Neglect is one of the most common forms of elder abuse in nursing homes and other elderly care settings. If an elderly individual isn’t receiving proper medications or daily baths, then they can become physically and emotionally ill. You may notice signs of neglect in the form of bedsores, bad hygiene, developing or worsening illnesses, and changes in behavior.
An individual caregiver or an entire nursing home can be held accountable for the neglect of your elderly loved one. You can use evidence such as witness statements, medical records, and photographs to prove elder abuse in court and win a settlement for pain and suffering.
Consult a San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney
The elderly deserve love and care. As the younger generation, it’s our duty to take care of the elderly and support them in their time of need. When you notice abuse occurring, it’s important to take legal action if you hope to prevent further abuse and help your loved one heal. A settlement can get your loved one the proper treatment and care they deserve.
If you’d like to discuss your loved one’s situation with a San Diego elder abuse lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC, call 619-550-1313 to schedule a free consultation or visit our website to learn more.
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