If you and your child’s other parent are in the middle of a divorce, breakup, or are otherwise not in a relationship, figuring out how you will co-parent the child you share can be a challenge.
Part of figuring out your parenting plan is agreeing to a custody arrangement and visitation schedule, and there are seemingly countless ways you can formulate your parenting plan. Read on to learn more about the different types of parenting and child custody plans that are used in PA child custody cases.
The Pennsylvania family court system has been encouraging families with two functioning, stable parents to enter into a shared physical and legal custody arrangement, as it has been proven that it is in the best interests of children to spend as much quality time with both of their parents as possible.
Also known as 50/50 custody, in shared custody, both parents will have physical custody of their kids, and the parents will make important decisions about their child’s upbringing together. This might include where the children will go to school, what religion they are to be raised in, activities they might participate in, and, of course, all medical decisions.
In a sole custody arrangement, only one parent has legal and physical custody of the children, while the other may have visitation rights or no rights at all, depending on the circumstances of the case. It should be noted that it is quite rare for a sole custody order to be implemented, as the PA family courts want children to be raised by both of their parents when possible.
However, in cases where domestic violence, substance abuse, or other issues prevent one parent from being able to provide the care the children deserve, the courts may decide that it is in the children’s best interests to award sole physical and legal custody to the custodial parent.
Even parents who are not granted physical or legal custody of their children will often still have a right to visitation with their child. In cases where the parent has no legal rights, visits are often supervised and/or will be done at a government-operated or approved visitation center.
This is not to be confused with parents who have custody rights and see their children every other weekend or sporadically.
If you have concerns regarding your child visitation plan, or if you are interested in seeking visitation rights, you will need to speak with your lawyer in greater detail about what you will need to do to accomplish this goal.
If you have additional questions about how child custody agreements work in Pennsylvania, or if you would like more information on how to obtain custody of your child, contact a qualified Pittsburgh divorce lawyer at Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C.
When you are ready to come in for your initial consultation, you can schedule one by visiting our website or giving our office a call at 1-844-VARI-LAW (827-4529).
Facing divorce or another family law issue is tough. At the Pennsylvania family law offices of Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C., our practice is dedicated solely to assisting clients with the needs of today's modern families. Our Pittsburgh family lawyers are devoted to helping our clients avoid prolonged conflict to arrive at solutions that are in the best interests of their families and themselves.Divorce and AnnulmentAlimony Child CustodyChild SupportFathers RightsMothers Rights... View full business profile here: Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C.