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What is the CRPS Severity Score?

What is the CRPS Severity Score?

 When someone is diagnosed with CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, describing or classifying their pain can be incredibly difficult. Not only does CRPS cause pain that manifests in a variety of ways, chronic pain can inhibit a person’s ability to communicate clearly and succinctly. The CRPS severity score categorizes different symptoms and makes it easier for patients to share their pain levels with caretakers and loved ones. Unfortunately, CRPS is a chronic health issue that often lasts months or years. If you’ve developed CRPS caused by another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Call the Southern California personal injury team at Elia Law Firm at 619-444-2244 to set up a consultation right away.

Understanding the causes of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is key to understanding the diagnosis. Per the Mayo Clinic, CRPS is generally caused by an injury to the peripheral and central nervous systems. It is the result of physical trauma or injury, and in most cases, this injury is to an arm or leg. CRPS is still not widely understood, because two people can experience identical injuries and only one may develop CRPS.

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a complicated diagnosis that manifests in a wide range of symptoms for patients. Those who suffer from CRPS report:

  • Burning or throbbing pain, generally in the arm, leg, hand, or foot

  • Swelling of the affected area

  • Sensitivity to cold or touch

  • Skin’s temperature ranges from sweaty to cold

  • Skin color may differ significantly in a short period of time, appearing white, blotchy, red, or blue

  • Changes in skin texture, resulting in tender, thin, or shiny skin

  • Joint stiffness

  • Affected hair and nail growth

  • Joint stiffness, damage, and swelling

  • Muscle atrophy resulting in spasms and tremors

  • Limited mobility in the affected body part

The duration of CRPS differs from patient to patient. For some people, the issues go away without additional intervention. Some experience these symptoms for months or years.

Factors Considered in an Assessment

The CRPS severity score is one way to address the nuanced symptoms of this diagnosis. Researchers note that there are subtle gradations in CRPS, and it can be difficult for medical providers and loved ones to understand them. The scale accounts for a wide range of measurements, including temperature asymmetry, active range of motion, edema, sweating, skin color changes, allodynia, and hyperalgesia. On some scales, symptoms are divided into several different categories, including sensory, vasomotor, edema, and motor. Each symptom is worth one point, and symptoms are either self-reported or physically observable by a caregiver.

It comes down to this: pain is highly subjective, and that can make it difficult for patients to get the help they need or even to be taken seriously by medical professionals. Despite the fact that pain is different for each individual, there are objective ways to measure it so that patients can get the best care possible.

The Use of the Scale in Your Accident Claim

Crush injuries are one of the most common causes of CRPS. If you’ve developed CRPS through someone else’s negligence, you should immediately consult with an attorney with experience dealing with CRPS cases., Use of the scale may serve as objective evidence to support your CRPS diagnosis.  If your medical providers use a severity score to track your symptoms and signs over time or during flare-ups, it is much harder for the insurance company to deny your CRPS diagnosis.

Medical evidence is a crucial component of a strong accident claim, and the CRPS severity score is just one way to prove your losses to the insurance company. CRPS can be a disabling condition that may last a lifetime.

Fight for Fair and Full Compensation With Elia Law Firm

If a car accident or some other injury caused by someone else’s negligence has left you with a chronic pain condition, you may be owed compensation for your losses. Working with the right legal team can help you fight for what you’re owed. Call Elia Law Firm at 619-444-2244 or fill out our online contact form to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.

About the Author:

Elia Law Firm, APC

With an extensive track record spanning almost two decades, our dedicated team of personal injury, civil litigation, and business attorneys has garnered acclaim for consistently delivering favorable outcomes. We specialize in aiding individuals in resolving their injury claims, skillfully navigating complex corporate legal transactions, and expertly representing clients in court, whether prosecuting or defending cases.Handling Personal Injury Claims Throughout San DiegoAt Elia Law Firm, our dedication to our clients' needs in personal injury cases is unwavering. We prioritize the essentials, ensuring that each case receives the attention it deserves. When circumstances demand, the personal... View full business profile here: Elia Law Firm, APC

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