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What Work Illnesses Are Covered by Virginia Workers Comp?

When you think of workers comp benefits, you may think of traumatic injuries, heavy machinery, and the loss of use of body parts. Workers comp benefits do often cover these types of traumatic injuries. But what about work illnesses?

Luckily, your workers comp also covers many work illnesses you may suffer on the job. If you’re sick and believe it’s because of your employment, you may have grounds for workers compensation. Talk to a work comp lawyer if you’ve suffered any of the following illnesses, among others. 


In the past, asbestos was a common part of many household products and building supplies. Now, it’s mostly known as a deadly material that can harm the lungs, developing into a type of cancer. Asbestos fibers can linger in the lungs for years before causing devastating damage to your lungs. 

Luckily, a Virginia workers comp lawyer can help you get compensated for this work illness. You shouldn’t be responsible for the costs of your treatment for asbestos-related illnesses, and you should receive workers comp benefits if your condition leaves you unable to work. These benefits should last until you recover from your suffering, or until you reach retirement age. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Many jobs require you to perform the same tasks over and over again. Whether that’s typing, cutting food, or operating machinery using the same motions, you may find yourself suffering from tingling and numbness over time when performing these tasks. That may lead to a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

This condition can make it difficult or impossible to perform even basic tasks involving your hands. Worse, you may need surgery to correct the damage. That can take time to recover from, making it difficult to return to work quickly. 

Contact Dermatitis 

Some jobs require close contact with dangerous substances, like harsh chemicals. From strong cleaning solutions in food industry jobs to factory jobs, you may be exposed to chemicals that impact your health. In some cases, you may develop contact dermatitis. This condition can cause rashes, blisters, and skin damage. 

If you have a serious reaction because of your exposure to dangerous chemicals, you may have grounds for a workers comp claim. Contact dermatitis can be uncomfortable and difficult to clear. During your recovery, you may be unable to work around those chemicals for some time. Because of this, you may need workers comp benefits that cover your medical expenses and wage replacement. 

Get Compensated for a Work-Related Illness 

If you’ve been hurt in a serious work accident, you may know you’re due workers comp benefits. But what about work-related illnesses? 

Luckily, you may be eligible for workers comp benefits for a work illness, too. At Pathfinder Injury Law, we’re here to help you recover workers comp benefits, even if you’ve been denied before. Your workers comp lawyer can speak with you during a free consultation. Give us a call at 804-505-0633 or visit our website to take advantage of your consultation so you can get your workers comp benefits soon. 

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About the Author:

Pathfinder Injury Law

Pathfinder Injury Law is a worker’s compensation law firm nestled in the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia, exclusively representing people who get injured in their workplaces. With Pathfinder, clients can expect highly efficient representation and great results in a modernized, approachable setting—unlike the typical perception that law firms are intimidating, impersonal, and rigid.... View full business profile here: Pathfinder Injury Law

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