If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s not too difficult to know, in many cases, whether your employer will cover the costs of your physical recovery. You may already know that your workers comp benefits should cover those costs.
What if you’re suffering from a work-related illness, though? Some illnesses may be difficult to connect to your job, making it tough to get the full benefits you need for your recovery from that illness. Fortunately, your work comp benefits should cover many illnesses. Below is just a sample of the work illnesses that are frequently connected to work comp claims and that your benefits should cover.
Industry-Related Conditions
Typically, any illnesses that are specific to an industry should be covered by your workers comp benefits. Certain conditions are rare among the public. They’re specific to certain groups that have been exposed to substances over time.
For example, asbestosis and mesothelioma are common in people who have been exposed to asbestos through their jobs. Miners, factory workers, and construction workers in particular may have been exposed to this substance and suffered for it. Another example includes black lung disease, a condition mostly seen in coal miners.
While these conditions can be easily traced back to your job, you may still need the help of a South Carolina workers comp lawyer. Your attorney can help you prove your claim and get your benefits, even if your employer doesn’t want to pay.
Contractable Diseases
Not all work illnesses are job-specific, though. Sometimes, your job simply means you’re more exposed to these conditions, which can be dangerous. For example, if you’re a doctor, you might be exposed to incurable conditions like HIV/AIDS and other illnesses through used needles and exposure to blood and bodily fluids.
Keep in mind, though, that not every contractable disease can be covered by workers comp. The disease in question must be something you wouldn’t have been exposed to in your daily life. For example, you can’t file a claim after catching the flu, because nearly everyone is exposed to the flu on a regular basis. However, if you contracted hepatitis C because of your job, you may be eligible for workers comp.
Ask a Workers Comp Lawyer For Help
If you’ve been hurt on the job, you may have a chance to recover benefits and your health with aid from a work illness lawyer. Your attorney can help you understand the legal details of your claim, pursue a claim in court, and get your benefits. That way, you can focus on your physical recovery, not on your finances.
If you’ve suffered a work illness but you’re not sure if your South Carolina work comp benefits will cover you, reach out to a lawyer from HawkLaw, PA. We can talk about your claim during a free consultation* so you know whether you’re covered before you file.
If you’re concerned about your work illness, get help from an attorney today. To get started, reach out by calling 1-888-HAWK-LAW (429-5529) or by visiting our website to learn more.
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