When you visit a store, a person’s home or apartment complex, use an elevator or walk through a parking lot, you have a right to reasonably expect a degree of safety. While most property owners and managers uphold safety regulations, the unfortunate truth is that there are some property owners who will fail to inspect their property, fix dangerous conditions, and warn visitors of the potential for risk. When a property owner or manager fails to ensure the safety of those in their property, their negligence can quickly result in the serious...Continue Reading...
Most work injuries that occur in Long Island are traumatic and happen unexpectedly. For example, if you work in the construction industry, you may fall from a scaffold and suffer a traumatic brain injury. You may also suffer a bone fracture or a collapsed lung if you’re crushed in a car accident while on the job. Whatever the case may be, a work accident that happens unexpectedly has a standard process.While you may know what to do when you or someone else at work suffers a physical injury, you may not know how to handle a work injury that’s...Continue Reading...
Car accidents are tough for a number of reasons. The accident itself is obviously frightening, and you could deal with painful injuries. After the accident is over, you have to deal with a lot of stressful issues as well. You might have to go to the hospital and figure out how you’re going to pay the medical bills. Maybe you have to call your work, and tell them you won’t be coming in for a while due to your injuries. You might be worried about losing your job because you aren’t able to work.In addition, you could be dealing...Continue Reading...
It is no surprise that children suffer injuries every day in Toronto. In many cases, these injuries were caused accidentally. However, when another party is responsible for caring for your child, and an accident is preventable, is it really an accident? When the negligent actions of someone else causes your child serious injury, a Toronto child injury lawyer may be able to help you hold them accountable. But while you wait to get in to see a lawyer, you can continue reading to learn more about some of the most common injuries and...Continue Reading...
Many car accidents in the Sacramento area occur because of negligent drivers. A negligent driver may cause an accident if they’re speeding, driving under the influence, or distracted behind the wheel, for example. If you’re injured in a car accident and you know someone else is at fault, you can sue them for liability. Occasionally, you may get into a single-car accident where you’re unsure who’s at fault. If you suddenly lose control of the wheel, you’re not automatically at fault for your wreck. You should speak...Continue Reading...
Suppose you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident. It could have been a pedestrian accident, a car wreck, a slip-and-fall, or something else. The common thread is that some part of the body was injured, be it a concussion to the brain, a broken bone, an internal injury, a burn, or one of the other many injuries people suffer. You want to find an excellent personal injury lawyer to represent you when making a claim against the defendant. Georgia attorney A. Bryan Baer, founder of The Baer Law Firm, can help you recover for your injuries.Mr....Continue Reading...
After being seriously injured in an accident, you feel overwhelmed and confused on what your next steps should be. If this sounds like what you’re going through, you’re not alone. A reputable Chicago personal injury lawyer may be able to help you through this difficult time in your life. But, how will you know whether you should contact a personal injury lawyer? Below, we answer this pressing question and provide more information about when reaching out to a lawyer may be in your best interests. Most Common Types of Personal...Continue Reading...
Before you got your motorcycle, everyone told you to be careful. They knew what you know—that motorcycle collisions can cause serious injury and death. What they failed to tell you, though, is that you don’t have to be a dangerous motorist to be hurt or killed in an accident. What they didn’t tell you is that other people can cause you to be hurt.Motorcycles themselves aren’t dangerous. They aren’t going to suddenly attack you without warning or purposely drive you off a cliff. It’s people who are dangerous....Continue Reading...