For most drivers, when they hear the acronym “DMV”, they instantly think about long lines in hot and overcrowded waiting rooms. Transactions that seem as easy as a 5 minute tasks could take drivers up to half a day to complete. While most DMVs offer advanced appointments and some form of mail or online services, many core transactions still have to be completed in person, forcing visits to local DMV offices by the masses.With the availability of user-friendly technology couldn’t there be a better way? Enter the DMV Now Self-Service...Continue Reading...
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the government agency granted the power to issue a driving privilege to qualified drivers and to oversee the capacity of existing drivers. What few people understand, however, is the nearly unbridled power the DMV possesses to deny a person the privilege to drive.California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 12806 is a broad section of law that permits the DMV to refuse to issue a new driver license, or refuse to renew an existing driver license, if the person is addicted to or habitually...Continue Reading...
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the government agency tasked with the responsibility of issuing the California Driver License to qualified drivers. The DMV is also empowered to deny, suspend, or revoke the privilege of anyone to operate a motor vehicle in the State of California if there good cause to do so. In this article, we talk about why the DMV takes a dim view of those persons who are accused of committing an act or Road Rage.The DMV defines any act of Road Rage (also known as “Highway Violence”)...Continue Reading...
Why is the DMV concerned about a driver’s quality of vision? There is no question that operating a motor vehicle requires the ability of the driver to perform a multitude of complex tasks. Eye/Hand coordination, judgement, awareness and perception are all hallmarks of safe driving.Clearly one of the most critical human senses that affect a person’s ability to drive is vision. One’s ability to clearly see the world as you drive is fundamental. Good vision permits the driver to see and perceive road signs,...Continue Reading...
Why does the DMV suspect I Lack the Skill to Drive? – Throughout their entire driving life, California drivers remain under constant scrutiny by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The California DMV will continually monitor all drivers to ensure they maintain the ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Some of the most common reasons for the DMV to suspend a driver license include:Driving Under the InfluenceDeveloping a physical or mental disorderNegligent Operation of a motor vehicleLacking...Continue Reading...
What type of driving tests does the DMV conduct? The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the government entity empowered with ensuring that all new applicants for the California Driver License are properly vetted before they are awarded the privilege to operate motor vehicles in our state. What few people realize, however, is that the DMV is further empowered with the obligation of ensuring that a person who already holds a driver license remains capable of driving as they move their lives.As part of the original examination...Continue Reading...
How does Alzheimer’s disease affect driving? Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that often begins with a few instances of forgetfulness that then progresses through increasingly debilitating stages that profoundly affect thinking skills, memory and eventually prevents the person from performing even simple tasks. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia in adults.The person suffering with Alzheimer’s disease may suffer from diminished cognition. The person may lose the...Continue Reading...
California Drivers Advocates, Inc. is winning administrative hearings before the California Department of Motor Vehicles at an unprecedented level. Representing accused drivers from Redding to San Diego, CDA employs a “common sense” approach to defending clients in an “insane system.”According to CDA’s President and CEO, Mr. Rob Collier,“Once the DMV focuses upon you for license suspension, they will do nearly anything to take you off the road.”Mr. Collier’s advice is to not fight the DMV without...Continue Reading...