If your child has suffered a traumatic brain injury on a Colorado playground or they’ve suffered any other type of injury, you are not alone. Very year, hundreds of thousands of children are injured on playgrounds. A significant portion of them includes serious injuries, including concussions and other traumatic brain injuries. It’s not all bad news. Kids need to get outside and play, and playgrounds are a great place to do so. Many communities shut down their playgrounds during the 2020 health pandemic, but as the weather warms...Continue Reading...
In the days and weeks after duffering a debilitating injury, it can be difficult to know what’s going to happen next. You may be feeling confused, overwhelmed, and intimidated by the aftermath of your injury. As if being injured badly wasn’t difficult enough, you also need to address the liable party’s negligence. But the more you know about what’s coming, the more likely you are to have a favorable outcome for your claim. This can help you to feel confident and empowered as you move through your recovery process.Below,...Continue Reading...
The purpose of a personal injury claim is to return the plaintiff back to their pre-accident state—where possible and as circumstances provide—through the awarding of economic damages. As such, in theory, any type of accident in which a careless or negligent defendant causes a plaintiff’s damages could be resolved through a personal injury civil action. Personal injury suits take on all sorts of forms, and the process of each could be determined by the defendant’s willingness to negotiate or even settle out of court....Continue Reading...
No one is prepared for the trauma of a catastrophic accident. When it happens to you, you need resources at your fingertips so you can find answers you need, when you need them. One of the most common questions injury survivors have is, “Do I have a case?” Many victims are unsure whether their accident and injuries have grounds for an insurance claim or civil litigation. Some may assume they do not and wind up losing their opportunity to get justice. Every case is different, so you’ll have to contact a reputable personal...Continue Reading...
Unexpected injuries can leave victims with piles of medical bills and keep them from work for long periods of time. Some injuries can even affect a victim's quality of life. If you were seriously injured due to the negligence or wrong doing of another person or entity, you are entitled to compensation for your medical bills, absence from work, loss of assets, and your pain and suffering.That is why it is crucial you hire an experienced injury attorney in Cedar Rapids to fight for you and your best interests while you are recovering and doing...Continue Reading...
After a personal injury accident, find the right attorney to handle your caseAccording to New Jersey personal injury law, accident victims have the legal right to seek compensation when they have suffered injuries in an accident caused by another’s wrongdoing or negligence. To file a personal injury claim, the victim seeking compensation will be tasked with demonstrating the at-fault party’s liability for causing the injuries. This can be extremely difficult, notably when the injuries sustained have caused serious debilitations. If...Continue Reading...
Thank goodness accidents don’t happen to you every day. If you’ve been lucky in your life, you may have never been injured before. Now that you have, you might not know what steps to take to right your life. If your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you could be owed monetary compensation for your accident.For example, if you were hurt in a trip-and-fall accident at a department store, you could be able to sue the store to recover money to pay for your losses. You must be able to show that the store management or...Continue Reading...
Riding a motorcycle during the summer in Detroit can be a freeing feeling. As the wind blows through your hair and you weave through traffic, you feel powerful and untouchable. Although you’re riding safely and aware of your surroundings, you aren’t in control of what others on the road are doing. Suddenly, a negligent vehicle driver sideswipes your bike and causes you to run off the road.Your perfect drive ends in tragedy and you suffer a spinal injury from the accident. Because you’re on a motorcycle, you know some people will...Continue Reading...