Every time you get into a vehicle, you risk an accident, injury, and even death. Seat belts and other safety features do quite a bit to lessen the impact, and when it comes to children, car seats are often the most important factor. Unfortunately, between 2010 and 2014, 18,116 children were involved in accidents in the United States, and 15.9 percent of them died. These numbers come from Department of Transportation reports on accidents involving children and information from the US Census Bureau on how many children are in each state. Best...Continue Reading...
A lot of people in the US today are opting for legal separation rather than divorce. This is even when they know that their relationship has gone down a sinkhole. But why are so many couples making the choice to live apart rather than get a divorce? What are the reasons for a couple to choose legal separation instead of a divorce?You will find the answers to these questions after understanding the difference between legal separation and divorce mentioned in this article.The Difference between Legal Separation and DivorceLegal separation is different...Continue Reading...
Historically, Texas has treated a marriage between a husband and wife somewhat like a partnership, with property acquired during the marriage belonging to the community estate. Many of the community property concepts in Texas were derived from Spanish law, and survive to this day. The partnership, or community property approach to marriage holds that each party brings unique talents to the marriage, that the parties work together to support the marriage as husband and wife, and that the property that either one or both of them acquire,...Continue Reading...
An accident that causes serious injury can happen in any number of situations. You might be rear-ended at a stop light, or you might be hit by a speeding semi-truck driver as you attempt to merge onto the interstate.Who is to blame for the wreck? Can you hold that person financially responsible for your property damage and medical expenses? Negligence Laws and Accident CasesWhen you sue for damages caused by negligence, you must prove several things. First, you must demonstrate that the other party owed you a duty of care, and that they committed...Continue Reading...
In many divorce cases, the differences between spouses won't make any difference in the divorce process, the splitting of resources or in creating custody arrangements. Under California law, divorce is a “no-fault” practice, and neither party has to prove that the other one did anything wrong.What is No Fault Divorce"No Fault" divorce means that as a couple, you cannot find a way to make your marriage work, and there's no hope of coming to a resolution. There is no blame assigned to either party and no is more or...Continue Reading...