Alimony is also known as spousal support. When requesting alimony, you're asking the court to order your spouse to pay you a monthly stipend because you’ve lost your sole way of financially supporting yourself when getting divorced. For example, if your spouse was the primary earner, alimony can be a viable request.It can be hard to get alimony from your spouse without proof of both your financial standing and your spouse’s income. A divorce lawyer from The Law Office of Laurence J. Brock can walk you through the legal process...Continue Reading...
The length of a divorce is different for everyone, and can be difficult to guess. Some divorces can be concluded in 3 months, some take upwards of five years. This is because there are tons of different factors that can influence the length of a divorce. Whether or not you and your spouse are agreed, whether or not you have kids, how many assets you have, all contribute into a divorce’s potential length.Below is an explanation of the divorce process. This should help you understand everything that needs to get done for a divorce to...Continue Reading...
Spousal Support, commonly referred to as Alimony, is when the court makes an order for one party of a family law case, to pay the other, a monthly dollar amount to help that party support themselves after a separation. While there are many misconceptions out there about spousal support in California, mainly related to gender, the court has a pretty clear process for someone to request the court make an order for spousal support. There are clear and defined aspects the court, specifically the Judge, will consider and weight when they are tasked...Continue Reading...