Car crashes can cause many different types of brain injury. These brain injuries are classified based on the type of accident and their overall severity. This information is important to understand if plaintiffs are filing personal injury lawsuits, as this medical classification system can provide accurate information. For example, if a brain injury is classified as being extremely serious by a medical professional, there is a high chance of long-term, disabling consequences. As a result, a plaintiff’s settlement should reflect these serious...Continue Reading...
If your child has suffered a traumatic brain injury on a Colorado playground or they’ve suffered any other type of injury, you are not alone. Very year, hundreds of thousands of children are injured on playgrounds. A significant portion of them includes serious injuries, including concussions and other traumatic brain injuries. It’s not all bad news. Kids need to get outside and play, and playgrounds are a great place to do so. Many communities shut down their playgrounds during the 2020 health pandemic, but as the weather warms...Continue Reading...
Brain and spine injuries can result in permanent disability. These injuries generally make a person incapable of earning a livelihood and can have a devastating effect on not just the victim, but the entire family. Whether the injury had occurred due to intentional or negligent behavior of another person, justice demands that the victim is compensated for the injuries.Legal Process Involved in Brain and Spine InjuriesBrain and spine injuries can have lifelong consequences. The injuries usually happen as a result of a penetrating head or back injury....Continue Reading...