Traffic tickets are typically issued when you commit a traffic violation, such as speeding, driving too fast for conditions, and improper lane change. At the time, you may not take a traffic ticket seriously. After all, it only adds a certain number of points to your license. However, the traffic points can add up over time and have an impact on your driving privileges.This is why it is important to fight a traffic ticket. In many cases, the officer issuing the ticket may not have sufficient cause to do so. In other cases, the ticket may simply...Continue Reading...
People who have experienced the horrors of sexual abuse are left feeling depressed, anxious, detached, and empty. The recovery process can be a long and exhausting one, but when survivors begin to rebuild their lives, they ignite a path to empowered.Many sexual abuse survivors find a sense of healing in being able to bring their abuser to justice. If you or someone you love has been victimized, you may be feeling as though you’re ready to stand up and fight to hold your abuser accountable. One of the best ways you could accomplish this...Continue Reading...
One minute, you’re on the road, whether you’re heading to work, to the grocery store, or just home after a long day. The next, you’ve been pulled over and ticketed, which can have some harsh penalties attached. When you’ve received a ticket, you may need to fight back to avoid those harsh penalties. But what can you do? Before you plead guilty and pay for your traffic ticket in Chicago, make sure you take whatever steps you can to get out of that ticket. With a lawyer’s help, you may be able to reduce the penalties...Continue Reading...
After being seriously injured in an accident, you feel overwhelmed and confused on what your next steps should be. If this sounds like what you’re going through, you’re not alone. A reputable Chicago personal injury lawyer may be able to help you through this difficult time in your life. But, how will you know whether you should contact a personal injury lawyer? Below, we answer this pressing question and provide more information about when reaching out to a lawyer may be in your best interests. Most Common Types of Personal...Continue Reading...
When you get into a car accident and you know someone else’s negligence was responsible for your injuries, filing a lawsuit can be the key to receiving the compensation you deserve. However, it’s understandable to be hesitant about moving forward with the legal process when you aren’t familiar with how it works. It’s important to become knowledgeable about the basics before pursuing a claim.At Lane & Lane, LLC, we strive to help victims in car wrecks feel more confident as they seek justice in the legal system. A Chicago...Continue Reading...
Creating wills and estate plans essentially refer to choosing heirs and appointing guardians. They ensure that your loved ones will not suffer financially upon your death. You can rest in peace knowing that your ward will be cared for after your death, and not left at the mercy of fate.Wills and estate plans are important legal documents. Some people think that both are the same. However, this is not necessarily the case. In this article, we will explain the difference between the two so that you can make an informed decision.The Difference Between...Continue Reading...