Criminal consequences for committing certain crimes can be far-reaching in New York. The most obvious consequences include incarceration and fines, and these are the penalties that defendants tend to really focus on when fighting for their rights. But there is another consequence that many defendants overlook: The damage that a criminal conviction can do to your reputation. Even if you do not care what other people think of you from a purely social standpoint, these convictions can affect many other aspects of your life. When exactly...Continue Reading...
In the State of New Jersey, when an individual has a criminal history, filing for an expungement can have many benefits. It is important to note that a criminal expungement is not for everyone. Similarly important, not everyone who has a criminal background will qualify to have a criminal record expunged. Determining Whether or Not a Person is Eligible to Expunge His or Her Criminal RecordExpungement laws can drastically vary by state. Determining whether or not an individual can expunge his or her criminal record will greatly depend on the...Continue Reading...
The New Jersey Senate is considering new legislation that would reform New Jersey's criminal expungement law. Expungement is a court procedure in which records of criminal convictions are extracted and isolated from the public in New Jersey. The new expungement law would broaden the eligibility requirements and also shorten expungement waiting periods.The new expungement legislation consists of a series of bills that were sponsored by Senator Sandra Cunningham and Senate President Stephen Sweeney. The bills are intended to reform New Jersey's...Continue Reading...