Getting into an accident can be especially frustrating when you know someone else is responsible for the wreck and you discover they don’t have insurance. If the responsible driver doesn’t have insurance, they can’t easily cover your damages, but this doesn’t mean you can’t sue them for the losses you’ve suffered.At Dickson Kohan & Bablove LLP, we’ve handled cases involving uninsured drivers, and they work similarly to cases involving insured drivers. As the plaintiff, you must prove negligence against...Continue Reading...
When a person dies due to the negligence of another, the victim’s survivors may have the opportunity to bring forth a wrongful death claim against the liable party. When the victim’s survivors seek to bring forward a claim for the wrongful death, the suit seeks restitution for their sudden loss, any loss of income they benefited from the victim, funeral costs, and the unfortunate loss of companionship.Wrongful death claims can be complex and even stressful to plan and carry out. If you or someone you know looks to file a wrongful...Continue Reading...
Brain and spine injuries can result in permanent disability. These injuries generally make a person incapable of earning a livelihood and can have a devastating effect on not just the victim, but the entire family. Whether the injury had occurred due to intentional or negligent behavior of another person, justice demands that the victim is compensated for the injuries.Legal Process Involved in Brain and Spine InjuriesBrain and spine injuries can have lifelong consequences. The injuries usually happen as a result of a penetrating head or back injury....Continue Reading...