Sexual harassment is a problem in many different types of workplaces. The tech industry, in particular, is often in the news for toxic work environments that give rise to the unlawful treatment of employees. Silicon Valley tech companies like Google and Apple have faced their share of sexual harassment allegations over the past few years. In one of the biggest cases from 2021, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing sued game developer Activision Blizzard for sexual harassment. Women at the company claimed male employees...Continue Reading...
“Quid pro quo” is the Latin term meaning “this for that”. Under California law, quid pro quo is a form of sexual harassment that occurs when a supervisor or someone in a position of authority requests sex, sexual favors or a sexual relationship in exchange for not firing or otherwise punishing the employee, or in exchange for favors, such as hiring, promotions or raises. In these instances, unwanted sexual favors become a bargaining tool for advancement in the workplace and can create a hostile work environment for everyone...Continue Reading...
Whether at work or home, every person is entitled to feel safe and respected. Sexual harassment can take place in a company of any size, from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. If you are being sexually harassed, you do not have to tolerate this type behavior; you have the right to report this activity. Two Types of Sexual HarassmentCalifornia law recognized two distinct types of sexual harassment in the workplace. Both of these are inappropriate and should be addressed before things get out of hand. On the state level, California...Continue Reading...