McCormack Law Firm is dedicated to protecting employee rights.
We treat all our clients with respect and do our best to handle their legal concerns in a manner that serves your interests. We keep you informed about legal progress made, explain the sequence of legal steps involved, let you know what to expect, and keep you apprised of important legal timelines. From the outset of your case to its resolution, our San Francisco employment attorneys are committed to protecting your interests and helping you achieve your desired objectives.
Call today to speak with a San Francisco employment attorney at McCormack Law Firm
McCormack Law Firm
506 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 925-5161
1299 4th Street, Suite 505A
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 925-5161
California and federal labor laws require workers to be paid in full for all hours they have worked. The reality, however, is that unpaid wages are an issue that workers struggle with across many different industries and cities, including San Francisco.San Francisco is a vibrant city with employees who work in restaurants, offices, banks, construction sites and a wide range of other workplaces. Wage theft can occur in any job when an employer fails to pay workers what they are owed. Some common examples of wage disputes include committing paycheck...Continue Reading...