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Legal Professional Makarone Law Firm in Northbrook IL

Makarone Law Firm

Northbrook, Illinois, 60062

See Phone Number

Contact Information

Law Firm Name
Makarone Law Firm
Phone Number
See Phone Number
1526 Shermer Rd Suite B1
Northbrook, Illinois, 60062
United States

Company Details

Hours of Operation
Monday - Sunday
24 Hours a Day
Accepted Forms of Payments
Credit Cards

Have you been injured due to the negligence of another? At Makarone Law Firm in Northbrook, we advocate on behalf of those injured, making sure the insurance company pays the full amount that a claim is worth. It is not uncommon for an insurance company to offer an individual far less than the claim's value up front, knowing that the person probably has little idea how much they should actually be getting. When an attorney gets involved, however, the insurance company is often quick to offer much more, careful to avoid costly litigation or legal battles. Let us use our experience on your behalf. If you've been injured and are not getting the insurance benefits you deserve, call our Northbrook law offices today for a consultation.