Successfully navigating a criminal charge demands a blend of collaboration, seasoned expertise, and strategic foresight. At Alers Law Firm, we excel in delivering precisely that. Alers Law Firm is an Orlando team of criminal defense attorneys which boasts extensive experience and a steadfast commitment to upholding the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
Central to our practice is the belief in the presumption of innocence—a principle that drives our tireless advocacy on behalf of our clients. We leave no stone unturned in crafting a robust defense strategy tailored to the unique aspects of each case. From meticulous scrutiny of evidence to strategic dismantling of the prosecution's arguments, we leverage our deep understanding of criminal law to protect your interests.
At Alers Law Firm, we recognize that effective defense hinges on personalized attention and a comprehensive approach. Our methodology includes rigorous fact-finding, collaboration with subject-matter experts as needed, and an unwavering pursuit of justice. Whether negotiating with prosecutors on DUI charges or vigorously defending your rights in court, our criminal attorneys are prepared to advocate fiercely on your behalf.
Choosing Alers Law Firm means choosing a dedicated ally committed to safeguarding your future. Throughout the legal journey, we prioritize clear communication and proactive defense strategies, ensuring you are informed and empowered at every step. Count on us to stand beside you, championing your rights and striving for the optimal resolution of your case.
En Alers Law Firm, entendemos que enfrentar cargos criminales puede ser una de las experiencias más estresantes y aterradoras de su vida. Nuestro compromiso con la justicia nos impulsa a luchar incansablemente para lograr resultados favorables y aliviar la carga de los cargos penales para los residentes del Condado de Orange. Nuestros abogados de defensa penal poseen una amplia experiencia en el manejo de una amplia gama de casos penales y están preparados para ofrecerle representación legal experimentada, independientemente de la naturaleza del delito.
Estamos orgullosos de nuestro enfoque personalizado, asegurando que se consideren cuidadosamente la situación y las necesidades únicas de cada cliente. Nuestro equipo está dedicado a mantenerlo informado y capacitado durante todo el proceso legal, brindándole una comunicación clara y consistente.
Además, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios bilingües, ya que todos los miembros de nuestro personal hablan español, lo que garantiza que el idioma nunca sea una barrera para recibir el apoyo legal de alta calidad que se merece. Confíe en Alers Law Firm para brindarle la defensa compasiva, decidida y experta que necesita durante este momento difícil.
If you have been charged with any type of sex crime in Florida, you cannot leave anything to chance. The criminal defense lawyers at the Alers Law Firm can provide you with vigorous legal representation. Lewd and lascivious molestation and sexual battery are both charged as felonies in Florida, regardless of the circumstances involved. The potential penalties depend on both the age of the perpetrator and victim as well as any other aggravating circumstances. Simply stated, prosecutors will seek a lengthy jail sentence in these types of cases.Call...Continue Reading...