It is important at this point to state that McKenzie Czabaj is an associate of Consumer Attorneys. McKenzie’s educational background includes Legal Studies and Political Science, which she pursue in the University of Central Florida (UCF). She graduated the following year in May. The common management social scholarly social, and cultural activities that McKenzie was involved in while studying at UCF includes being a member of the Phi Delta Phi International Legal Honor Society. She was President at the University from 2017-2018 and has been awarded the title of the pre-law graduate of the year 2018. McKenzie later joined Sandy Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University and graduated in May of the year 2021. After coming through law school, McKenzie was a member of the executive board of the Arizona State Sports and Entertainment Law Journal.
She also engaged in 3L Bar program, hence she wrote the bar exam at her 3rd year in law school. McKenzie was able to write and pass the February 2021 Arizona Bar Exam, and he received his admission to the bar in Arizona in June 2021.