A brain injury not only affects the injured individual but also affects family and friends. These recommendations address coping and adjusting to changes following a brain injury:
• Acknowledge Your Feelings About The Injury
• Any feelings of stress, anger, denial, depression or guilt are normal and should be acknowledged as important and valid.
• Take Care Of Yourself
• Both injured individuals and caretakers can become physically and emotionally exhausted. Remember to take time to focus on yourself and your need for relaxation or social time.
• Create A Support Network
• Think about family and friends who may be able to assist caregivers and the individual with the brain injury. Use this support system to help with everyday tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking or cleaning the house.
• Educate Yourself
• Caregivers, and if possible patients, should speak with doctors and therapists about post-injury care. Support groups are also a valuable resource.
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