If you’ve never been in a car crash before, you might not know how to handle the situation. You could be unclear as to when you exchange insurance, whether you should call the police, if you are supposed to report the crash, or if you should call your insurance company right away. People won’t know what to do unless they are taught. Here is some information regarding what to do after a vehicle crash.How to Report a Vehicle Crash in TexasThe first thing you should do after an accident is check to see that everyone is OK. If anyone...Continue Reading...
You probably don’t hope to ever be good at dealing with car accidents. That would mean you’ve been involved in a lot of them, and no one wants that. That also means that on the rare occasion you are in a vehicle collision, you’re going to have some questions. Attorneys at our firm deal with auto wreck issues on a regular basis, though, because they help with car accident cases every day. They can help you to get your questions answered, but first, you have to know what to ask. If you are just starting to think about...Continue Reading...
When you get into a car accident and you know someone else’s negligence was responsible for your injuries, filing a lawsuit can be the key to receiving the compensation you deserve. However, it’s understandable to be hesitant about moving forward with the legal process when you aren’t familiar with how it works. It’s important to become knowledgeable about the basics before pursuing a claim.At Lane & Lane, LLC, we strive to help victims in car wrecks feel more confident as they seek justice in the legal system. A Chicago...Continue Reading...
If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver in a car accident, it’s understandable to be shaken by the experience. The first thing you should do after your wreck is call the police and seek medical help for any injuries you’ve suffered. Once you begin the recovery process, you may start wondering what the best course of action is for filing a lawsuit and obtaining compensation. It’s possible that the drunk driver is already being charged in the criminal system, which can be helpful in your case, but it can also prolong the...Continue Reading...
Most vehicle collisions are caused by someone’s careless actions. This can be known as negligence, as it pertains to personal injury cases. When someone causes an accident, even if it was unintentional, that person can be held legally responsible for the harm they caused.Understanding Fault in Multi-Car WrecksNot every accident is an easy-to-understand situation where one person was to blame and the other person was completely faultless. In some cases, multiple people can be involved in an accident, and multiple people can also be to blame. For...Continue Reading...
When you are riding in Uber, Lyft or any other ridesharing vehicle, you are riding in someone’s own vehicle. Meaning, you are not riding in a commercially insured vehicle. So, what do you do now? Who is responsible for paying your damages? We answer all of these questions and more. If you have been injured in an accident as a passenger of an Uber driver or any other ridesharing service, contact the accident lawyers at Silverthorne Attorneys to discuss your case. Consultations with one of our accident lawyers are free!Uber Drivers and InsuranceOne...Continue Reading...
Car Accidents Are a CertaintyYou’ve all heard the famous quote, “nothing is certain in life, but death and taxes.” This quote is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote in a 1789 letter: “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance That promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be saidto be certain, except death and taxes.”Well let me add just one more thing …. ACCIDENTS....Continue Reading...
According to an article by The Press-Enterprise an Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian in a Phoenix suburb. Police of the city of Tempe reported that on Monday the Uber vehicle was in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel when a pedestrian was crossing the street and the car struck her at the crosswalk. The time of day that the accident occurred was not announced to the public. The victim of the incident suffered severe injuries in which she was rushed to the hospital and later died at....Continue Reading...