The Law Office of Kevin J. McManus is a Kansas City personal injury law firm dedicated to improving the lives of our clients and our community at large. We strive to accomplish our mission by seeking justice for the people we represent, helping our clients make the best possible decision about their unique legal issue, and giving back to our community in Kansas City. We represent individuals who suffer injury or death from car accidents, truck crashes, motorcycle accidents and slip and falls. Our Kansas City injury lawyer offers free, confidential consultations so contact us today. In addition, you can visit our website for free information, including free consumer guides, videos, articles and reports.
Our Kansas City Accident Lawyer answers a common question from clients who are injured in accidents: Who pays my medical...
Posted by Law Office of Kevin J. McManus on 05/07/2019 in Category
City Center Square, 1100 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64105, USA